One exception: Cupid wings in on a traditional flight path this year as Valentine's Day features a lineup of planets in earth and water signs. Don't skip the cards and the roses, even if you're delivering a bouquet of beautiful black stems (they exist!) instead of the ho-hum reds. With sultry Mars in sexpot Scorpio, the shortest distance from date venue to bedroom should be plotted out in advance. If Saint Valentine's efforts end in a fail, fear not. The sun heads into poetic, romance-junkie Pisces on the 19th, offering a month of second, third, and even fourth chances.
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You're ba-ack! February is your month to rise and shine as you celebrate your birthday season until the 19th. Time to be a little more "self-focused" and put the attention onto YOUR dreams, wishes, and hopes for your next year of life. No one has to ask an Aquarius twice to keep an open mind. Let the voyage of discovery begin and make a point of expanding your horizons and seeing what else is out there. Your dreams are merely limited by the scope of your imagination. The only new moon in Aquarius of 2016 electrifies the skies on the 8th. Treat it like a sacred day, making wish lists, vision boards, or outright requests on your own behalf. The seeds you plant on the 8th will bring a bumper crop by the Aquarius full moon on August 18. On the 13th, mouthy Mercury enters your sign, blessing you with the gift of gab. Venus follows suit, rolling into Aquarius from the 16th on and making you utterly irresistible!
Before the 16th, however, your romantic picture could be a little hazy. With Venus in your 12th house of fantasy and illusions, you may have trouble deciphering people's romantic intentions — not to mention their cryptic Snapchats. You also run the risk of losing your center in the face of a blazing attraction. Putting yourself first — while being considerate of others, naturally — is generally the best recipe for keeping relationships in balance...and resentment at bay. On the plus side, this imaginative Venus spell can help you pull off an epic V-Day celebration. Make sure dressing up is part of the plan, even if you're hosting a macabre, anti-Valentine's party with other single friends to bring some dark humor to the high-pressure day.
On the 19th, the sun leaves your sign and heads into Pisces and your second house of work and money. Sweep up the cake crumbs and pour out the Champagne. It's time to get down to business again and actually accomplish something besides getting your name on the guest list for every A-list party in town. (Not that there's anything wrong with that...) The full moon on the 22nd could bring a relationship to a make-it-or-break-it moment. Lay down the ultimatum (maybe to yourself): In or out?
Boundaries — what are those? February finds you in a free-flowing groove (translation: pure Pisces). With the Aquarius sun nesting in your 12th house of fantasy, you'll be in your element. After all, reality has never been your imaginative sign's favorite topic. Make frequent dates with the muse, because your creativity is off the charts! And don't let anyone pressure you to put a label on things before you're ready. Do keep a levelheaded wingwoman close at hand, because you might need a second opinion on some of your judgment calls. This is also the month of letting go as you complete an annual solar cycle. Use the first three weeks of February to clean house in every way. A Marie Kondo-level decluttering (or physical and digital spaces) will lift a huge weight. And consider the people who occupy blocks of your precious time. Are the conversations rich and rewarding, or do they drag you down with hopelessness and toxic gossip? Some reshuffling — and blocking, perhaps — might be necessary. High vibes only!
This dreamy energy comes in handy for Valentine's Day, and the new moon on the 8th could illuminate someone who has soulmate potential. Is bae not stepping up? Perhaps clearer instructions are required. Instead of playing guessing games, put your V-Day game plan on the table. How your love interest responds will be telling. On the 14th, the moon will be in your friendly, fun-loving third house. Forget about fondue at your place followed by a (yawn) 9 p.m. movie. An energizing DJ set or live show would be a better bonding experience. You might even double up with other couples. Single? Go out with friends! The flirty vibes of the 14th could bring a surprisingly enjoyable interaction, even if it's more of a short-term thing. On the 22nd, the full moon in Virgo and your relationship house will bring the kind of results that last.
Life lightens up after the 19th, when the sun zips into Pisces and begins your 2016 birthday season. Make sure your schedule includes bountiful windows of "me time" and independent exploration. You'll feel more motivated to take action then. Out with the old, in with the new!
Yawn...stretch! Winter hibernation time is over, Aries — at least for most of February. The Aquarius sun blazes through your social networking zone until the 19th, appointing you "crew glue" for your friends. Research upcoming events and create a shared calendar. Your infectious enthusiasm will motivate them to bundle up and join you for shows, ice skating, road trips, whatever. Need a friend list upgrade? The new moon on the 8th refreshes your contact list. Dabble in new scenes — you might even join a sports team or become a regular at a meetup group.
Valentine's Day will find you in a traditional groove — but also a seductive one, thanks to your ruling planet Mars percolating in erotic Scorpio. A "just the two of us" plan will be perfect for coupled Aries — one with the shortest possible time lapse between the dessert course and your retreat to the bedroom. Single Rams will be feeling the "universal love" vibes all the same. Organize a fun, but fancy, dinner for other unattached friends. Camp it up with sequins, formal dresses, the works. Radaring in on your Valentine? Someone a little older or more established (read: has their shit together) could win your final rose.
Work-wise, February is optimal for any technological pursuits: kicking off a web venture or YouTube channel, updating devices, or becoming a Snapchat superstar. Learning a new piece of software puts some Aries in a higher pay grade — or makes your days SO much more efficient. Be ready to pitch, present, or rock a performance review on the 22nd, when the full moon in Virgo brings huge accolades for your work of the past half year. But don't overbook your schedule after the 19th, when the sun slips into Pisces and your sleepy 12th house for a month. A last round of hibernation can recharge you for your birthday season, which begins March 20.
Goals, goals, goals! Like a charging bull, February finds you fixed on a target and straight going at it. With the Aquarius sun galvanizing your 10th house of career until the 19th, success really is in your crosshairs. The only trouble is, a Taurus on a rampage can also be like a bull in a china shop. Pay attention to existing power pyramids and learn the rules of the game. This sophisticated solar phase requires grown-up polish professionalism. Make a point of replacing "screw you" with "okay, great," especially in the first half of February. A job offer, glamorous client or promotion could arrive with the new moon on the 8th. Men will play a big role in your success this month too. Make a point of connecting to helpful guys in the office, even initiating a project together. This could evolve into a team effort when the sun heads into Pisces for a month on the 19th.
There's no shortage of romance this February, as heatseeking Mars continues a two-month trek through Scorpio and your seventh house of relationships. No settling or letting people step to you with weak game! All-in is the only way. Cupid flutters in on the wings of a Taurus moon this V-Day, making you his darling. Single or spoken for, dress up and go play. A fateful love connection could be your reward — or the deep satisfaction of being single and loving it. And if February 14 doesn't deliver, the full moon on the 22nd will. This lunar magic goes down in your fifth house of amour! A chemical attraction that's been bubbling on the back burner could go exothermic. Get a room! This full moon also brings a shot of fame. Step out "camera ready" near the 22nd and even schedule a photo shoot for new profile (and whatever) pics.
Bali, Barcelona, or Bondi Beach? The travel bug bites this February, as the Aquarius sun swills through your jet-setting ninth house until the 19th. Grab your passport and figure out where to drop your next pin. You might just hop an international flight while the new moon activates your wanderlust on the 8th. Even if you stay close to home, make a point of mingling cross-culturally and in different scenes. Sign up for classes, too, and feed your intellectual curiosity; even a writers' workshop, since publishing is ruled by this solar cycle. February is killer for all things expansive and entrepreneurial — hit the launch button on your Etsy shop or fill out the paperwork for an LLC. Even if it starts as a side gig, you may be signing your own paychecks six months from now.
With Venus simmering in your erotic eighth house until February 16, V-Day could be quite spicy this year. But under these skies, you'd rather have no one than the wrong one. Don't get swept up in the Hallmark hype. Celebrate your single status if you find yourself sans Valentine. No settling! If you've met your match, a seductive night in could be just what the doctor ordered. With the moon in your fantasy-fueled 12th house, two tickets to a play or DJ set could be fun, but make sure you have a window for "just the two of us," too. Deep conversations about your co-created future will make you swoon.
You'll get back down to business on the 19th, when the sun heads into Pisces and your career zone for a month. Show more leadership at work and you'll be first in the running for a raise or promotion. Matters close to home will demand your attention during the full moon on the 22nd. Rush to support one of your girls, your mom, or sister — even if it's just the morale-boosting variety. If you're in the market for a move. this full moon could light the way to a dream listing.
Move over, Olivia Pope. With the Aquarius sun simmering in your house of secrets and seduction until the 19th, February will be filled with intrigue. Anything too obvious will simply bore you, Cancer. But be careful about pulling on certain threads or you could unravel a mystery that is way too entangling. In certain cases, ignorance will be bliss. Bringing sexy back — or kicking it up to a higher degree — will be on your to do list. Step one: Getting comfortable in your own skin. Treat yourself to massages, shop for clothes that fit you well now (instead of when you reach some elusive goal), and give yourself adequate alone time to chill, center, and catch up on sleep. Mix in flowy movement, like dancing or gentle yoga, with your high-intensity cardio.
Romantically, February brings plenty of momentum — and a strong urge to merge. Ardent Venus pulses through your relationship houses all month and serious talks about "the two of us" are on deck. Schedule them near the new moon on the 8th, which opens up a fresh six-month chapter for love. Clean house of non-committal types. Better to have no one than the wrong one now! Valentine's Day, however, might find you in a more laid-back groove. With the moon in your "the more, the merrier" 11th house, raise a glass to Cupid with other couples or a mixed-status squad of friends who find all the hoopla a little ridiculous, too.
On the 19th, the sun swoops into Pisces and your worldly ninth house, activating your wanderlust for a month. This is THE perfect window for a spring break getaway — especially one that requires a passport. Your mind is hungry for fresh material, so consider going on a retreat or diving expedition instead of just lounging beachside with an umbrella drink.
Lonely hearts club membership revoked! With the sun igniting blazes in your partnership zones all month, you're a literal love magnet. Prospective partners pop up at every turn, both for pleasure and business. Pay attention to the people in your orbit on the 8th, because the new moon that day could bring your missing puzzle piece. Already spoken for? February is the month for co-creating and collaborating. Devise projects and plans for just you and your sweetie and banish the ennui of those "So...what do YOU want to do tonight?" conversations. After the 19th, relationships deepen — or hit the skids — as the Pisces sun increases your urge to merge. You won't have room for any halfway lovin' then. Just be careful not to let the green-eyed monster possess you in the process. Valentine's Day comes with a traditional Taurus moon and you'll want to step out with some polished arm candy. Opt for extreme elegance, as a classy, dress-up date will make you swoon. Your 2016 Valentine could even be someone a little older or more established than you.
Socializing for work will help you gain traction in the first half of February. Don't rush home to watch Downton while everyone else is at happy hour. With Venus in your career house until the 16th, the connections you make offsite will fuel your success when you're back at your desk. You might even volunteer a few hours with someone you admire just to get your wedge heel in the door. Make sure to put all contracts in writing this month, as the sun swirls through your legal house until the 19th. This is more of an insurance policy than anything. Clarity — and clearly delineated turf — is what keeps relationships strong, Leo. On the 22nd, the full moon in Virgo could bring word of a raise, promotion, or new job opportunity. Have your résumé and materials ready to go, even if you're making an internal pitch rather than interviewing anew. If you work for yourself, the 22nd would be a good date to launch a website that shows off your bragworthy accomplishments.
Fire up the sunlamp, Virgo, and take your vitamins. February's vitality-boosting starmap is here to help you regain optimal health. Until the 19th, the sun cruises through Aquarius and your wellness zone, giving you the discipline of a 2016 Khloé Kardashian. Eat clean and green and replace your happy hour fixes with 6 p.m. yoga classes. February fashion statement: athleisure accessorized with a Fitbit. Well, for the most part. Venus hovers in your glamorous, amorous fifth house until the 16th, so reserve a few slots on the calendar for decadence, too. You can tweak your party mode, like sipping vodka sodas instead of straight shots and going dancing instead of melting into a barstool. Kill the deprivation mindset and stockpile nourishing recipes that taste good. Take classes that are upbeat and energizing.
Venus is the governess of romance. Parked in your fearless, flamboyant fifth house until the 16th, you won't be shy about scouting out your Valentine. Take the lead in affairs of the heart — whether you're making the plan or dropping the most obvious hints. With the moon in your jetsetting ninth house on V-Day, you might book an overnight getaway. Sparks could fly with a cutie from a different culture, too.
Work will be busy in February, too, with lots to organize, arrange and project manage. Looking to make a leap up the ladder? Humble thyself and be the "celebrity apprentice" to an office powerhouse. The new moon on the 8th could bring word of a job offer or a résumé-building project that has your name written all over it — perhaps one you even pitch to corporate yourself. The 22nd is your REAL day to shine, when the only full moon in Virgo of 2016 lights up the skies. Put your talents on display. You'll reap rewards for your individuality and independent moves in the two weeks that follow.
And the Academy Award goes, Libra! Your dramatic chops are honed to perfection this February as the sun circles through Aquarius and your fierce, flamboyant, fame-loving fifth house. Might as well run with it, right? But having all those eyes on you can come with a measure of responsibility. Take a hard left away from stirring the pot with your inner circle or reprising Miley's foam-finger era. Instead, use your popularity and influence to draw attention to causes you're passionate about, brands you believe in, and helpful hints from your own arsenal of lessons learned. The camera loves you, Libra, so why not film it all on Periscope or YouTube? This gives you even more excuse to refresh your 2016 look. (A sweet collared dress, maybe?)
Romantically, February registers off the charts all month long. The new moon on the 8th stokes the embers with your sweetie, setting the stage for heart-thumping talks about "us." Valentine wanted? Cupid may send you a fresh contender near that date. V-Day itself percolates with passion as the moon nestles in your seductive eighth house. Don't venture too far from home, because you'll want to hightail it to the bedroom after that last bite of flourless chocolate cake. On the 16th, your ruling planet Venus picks up the baton, cruising through your amorous fifth house for the rest of the month. Don't stress if Saint Valentine fails to deliver because it's basically V-Day every day for you this month.
Did you cast someone off in 2016? Then make February the month of doing you — and loving it. After the 19th, that includes taking stellar care of your health: The sun heads into Pisces and your sixth house of vitality for a month, bringing more flow and creativity to your fitness regimen. Try dance classes and laps at the indoor pool. Mid-day yoga can keep you cool-headed at work — a good thing, since the pace is going to get busy at the office in the last third of the month!
Your space tells a story, Scorpio, so take a look around. With the Aquarius sun nestled in your domestic quarters until February 19, your inner remodelista takes the wheel. Before you go thrifting for big-eyed paintings or start tossing pillows everywhere, study a few interior designer secrets, like these, and create a streamlined system. The new moon on the 8th will spur you on this mission — or inspire you to host a little shindig at your newly appointed pad. If you're in the market for a move, surf the listings near the 8th, because you could radar in on the perfect place to hang your fedora.
Valentine's Day hype is hard to avoid — and with lusty Mars in Scorpio all month, there's no need to press mute when the subject of the Hallmark holiday arises. The thing is, you might schedule the MOST romantic leg of your celebration a week later than the rest of the world. On February 19, the sun bursts into Pisces and your zone of true love for a month, setting the stage for epic encounters. As for V-Day itself? With a posse of planets assembled in your female friendship house, hosting a brunch with your girl crush crew could be the perfect way to fete Saint Valentine (even if you follow up with an evening one-on-one with your amour).
Work-wise, collaborating with women will bring wins all month. After the 19th, your creative talents will be in demand — and your leadership skills. Don't wait for anyone to hand you the baton. If you see an opening for action, step in. Influential eyes are on you. The full moon on the 22nd brings a shared victory for Team Scorpio. Ready to move on to a bigger pond? An inspiring group of collaborators could appear under these moonbeams.
Come on out of that cave cocoon, o' hibernating Archer. Your social butterfly wings are beating hard this February as the Aquarius sun electrifies your curious, friendly third house. Bundle up and explore. Fill up your cultural calendar with indoor offerings — and maybe some outdoor ones, too, like that monthly cross-country meetup or an ice skating night. Wanderlust is activated, but keep your passport in the safe. The local scene is where it's at under February's stars. If you do travel, a short trip with friends would be ideal. (Think: a long weekend getaway with a max three-hour flight). If you're in the market for a new set of wheels, start the test-drives. That crossover, hybrid or scooter could be yours near the new moon on the 8th.
Partnerships — the platonic kind — heat up in February, too. Stop struggling to do it all independently. Buddying up brings a swifter, sweeter success. You might even join forces with the "competition" in the second half of February. As for romance, you're not exactly in a rush to settle down. Flirting, hooking up, and playing the field will be like a sport. With Mars in your 12th house of transitions, some Sagittarians could be processing a breakup in February. And until the 16th, Venus is hunkered in your "take it slow" second house. If you legit find someone with potential, you won't want to skip out on the courtship rituals, anyway. As for V-Day? Stick to a sweet and simple celebration. Dinner with a long, inspiring conversation will be plenty of foreplay for you. Single? Just go to yoga and wait until the annoying Hallmark holiday passes. With Venus moving into your flirtatious third house on the 16th, you'll be right back in the game.
On the 19th, the sun hunkers down in Pisces and your domestic fourth house for a month. Give Chateau Sagittarius some love. Spruce up the decor and put a leaf in the table so you can host your epic dinner parties. Enjoy some Netflix-and-chill downtime, too — after all the socializing in early February, you might be ready for a little break. The full moon on the 22nd brings a career triumph. A big deal or offer could land in your lap, or an exec to start grooming you for a promotion. The hard work you've done over the past six months could really pay off. Charge what you're worth, Sagittarius, which might mean raising your rates.
Quality over quantity is your mantra for February. Sail right by those fast-fashion fixes and superficial "friendships." With the Aquarius sun lighting up your traditional second house, investing in things that last is the only way to fly. That includes yourself, Capricorn, so fuel your body with healthy food (hello, grain bowls) and get your budget on track. On the 8th, the new moon helps you stabilize your financial foundation. A temporary austerity plan may be necessary, but focus on the income column, too. What's keeping you from a higher pay grade? Invest in your career development with specialized trainings, software tutorials, even sessions with a coach.
With love being a theme on everyone's mind this month, you'll be happy to hear that Cupid has added you to his favorites list. Until the 16th, love planet Venus is cruising through Capricorn, blessing you with above-average charm and magnetism. A short attention span, too, so easy there with the "love 'em and leave 'em" routine. You could be a little too quick to cast off a hot prospect who tries too hard on your first hang. (Maybe it's nervousness?) On the 14th, the Taurus moon sizzles in your fifth house of passion and true love. You won't be shy about professing your adoration. Coupled? Talks could turn to big romantic plans; you might even put a ring on it or discuss baby-making if you're at that phase.
Socially, the last third of the month will be the hotspot. Kindred spirits and collaborators pop up at every turn, when the sun blazes into Pisces and your friendship zone for a month on the 19th. You might even reconnect with long-distance amigos during the full moon on the 22nd. Couchsurfing with your festival squad or renting a ski house for a long weekend could be the perfect way to wrap this wintry month.
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