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Your Horoscope This Week

Bring in the unicorns! Pisces season is drawing to a close, but we have one last enchanted week ahead of us. The sun waltzes through this fantasy-fueled sign until Sunday, making everything feel magical and a bit surreal. Deep-dive into the emotion ocean, but make sure to come up for air, too. It's a little too easy to drown in our feelings — or get caught up in other people's — when this sensitive and compassionate sign rules the skies.

On Monday, cosmic lovebirds Venus and Mars lock into a tangled angle, causing a little trouble in paradise. Venus is in dreamy (and denial-prone) Pisces, while fiery Mars is in keep-it-real Sagittarius. Can you see the conflict here? Address issues directly, but gently. And don't play the victim or throw a pity party to get your way. Making clear requests (not officious demands) is the way to bring back the love. To take the edge off complicated love situations, focus on moneymaking. The cosmic cash cow is mooing loudly on Wednesday, when lucky Jupiter and fiscal wizard Pluto team up in an auspicious trine (120-degree angle). This extremely rare connection repeats on June 26, and then not again until 2024. If you see an opportunity, seize it! The squeaky wheel gets the oil and the gold.

Sunday is the spring equinox, and the day the astrological calendar resets itself as the sun blazes into fiery, independent Aries — the first sign of the zodiac. Sweet freedom! Shake off the moody blues of Pisces season (yes, even if they were kinda fun to revel in) and keep it moving. The new, innovative, and trend-making is what daredevil Aries is all about — and under these motivating sunbeams, there's just no time to dwell on the past.

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Grab that bucket list, Pisces, and give it a thorough scan. Your birthday season is winding down, but you have until Sunday to celebrate and enjoy. What have you yet to cross off, like something that could broaden your horizons and give you a fresh perspective on life? Indulge yourself, because no matter how the experience turns out, you'll learn something useful. Don't let judgy people hold you back from trying, especially on Monday when Mars in your elitist 10th house clashes with Venus in your sign. Even bae might object or not fully get it, but if this is really important to you, it's worth doing.

Relationships get a boost on Wednesday, when lucky Jupiter in your partner house syncs up with Pluto in your zone of hopes and dreams. A creative conversation about the future could leave you swooning. Dream outside the box, and be honest about your desires. Even if they don't fall into the traditional mode (and even if they do), it's worth it to speak up so you can start planning, or at least negotiating, a compromise. Single? You could meet a hot prospect at a group event, so make sure you're out and about this Wednesday.

On Sunday, el sol moves on to Aries for a month, officially calling "Cut!" on your birthday time. It's been a wild ride, but aren't you ready to feel a little more...grounded? Let the practical magic wash over you. Start by sweeping up the cake crumbs, recycling the Champagne bottles, and paying all those unopened bills. Between now and April 20, figure out which of your latest schemes is worth spending time on. P.S. One of your big ideas could be profitable if you plan it out. #Monetize

Head on over to the emotional baggage claim, Aries. The sun spends its final week in Pisces and your 12th house of completions, making it time to deal with any unfinished business. Is there a heart-to-heart you need to have, a frenemy to block, or a stressful project that just needs a few more hours of your time to be done and dusted? Before you add anything new to your plate, handle these loose ends. If you're going to have "the talk," avoid Monday when your ruler Mars in honest-to-a-fault Sagittarius clashes with diplomatic Venus. Your call-it-like-I-see-it firepower could come across as aggressive — and then you'll wind up apologizing when, in truth, both parties need to extend the olive branch. Your calm, collected vibe returns on Wednesday when Jupiter and Pluto combine forces. Be solution-oriented: If you want to keep going with this relationship or situation, paint a picture of how you'd like things to go down instead of harping on what failed in the past.

The Jupiter-Pluto combo platter could bring some lucky breaks at work on Humpday, too. Be strategic, but assertive, radaring in on the people who actually have power instead of pandering to the middlemen. Polish up your LinkedIn profile and gather your greatest career hits of the past year. You may have to make an impromptu presentation — or you could find yourself serendipitously working alongside someone who can help you get ahead. Put your best foot forward.

When the sun blazes into Aries on Sunday, your birthday season is officially underway. After hiding out behind the scenes for a month, you're ready to reclaim your role as the Zodiac's Most Iconic. Break free of confining situations and give yourself a little (okay, a lot) more space in friendships and relationships. This monthlong solar cycle is all about connecting with Numero Uno and boldly splashing your big ideas across the world stage.

All for one and one for all? Not so fast, Taurus. On Monday, your ruling planet Venus clashes with hotheaded Mars, stirring up trouble with teammates. Don't assume that everyone is on the same page. Take an actual opinion poll, because you might discover someone who is running a totally different agenda — one that is more about self-interest than squad goals. This could force you to make a tough decision, maybe defecting from the group or evicting this "inside traitor." Loyalty is an essential quality, Taurus, so you'd be better off flying solo than having to constantly watch your back. Be mindful of what you post on social media this week, too. Your sarcastic humor could be taken way out of context, and that drama will be hard to undo.

Wednesday will be epic! Magnetic Pluto aligns auspiciously with expansive Jupiter in your house of glamour, fame, and true love. Cupid is 100% in your corner this, er, Humpday, giving you the green light to take a chance on romance. Since Pluto is strategic and rather secretive, your bold moves are best made behind closed doors. Cancel the singing telegram and meet at the tucked-away dive bar, or your apartment, instead.

On Sunday, the sun decamps to Aries and your 12th house of transitions for a month. Don those rubber gloves and let the deep spring cleaning begin. This is the countdown to Taurus season, which starts when the sun enters your sign on April 20. Obviously, you've grown and evolved over the past year. What no longer feels like "you," Taurus? From low-rise jeans to a bad romance, let it go, let it go. That's how you'll create a blank space for more fitting options to flow in when your birthday time begins.

There's a time to be renegade and a time to play by the rules. This is NOT the week to drop anything unmastered into the world (like, say, Gemini Kendrick Lamar did). With the sun beaming through your 10th house of prestige until Sunday, polish every release to a high-pro glow. Some influential eyes are on you now, Gemini, and you could draw a champion into your corner; someone who wants to help you make it to the top. Be strategic: Sadly, you might even have to break away from a collaborator on Monday. Different visions, values, whatever it may be; you can no longer compromise past a certain point. Even if the rift isn't THAT drastic, a heart-to-heart is in order to realign as a dynamic duo.

Pay attention to unspoken cues and clues midweek. On Wednesday, undercover Pluto syncs up with truth-baring Jupiter, revealing some information that's been in the shadows. What people DON'T tell you is far more valuable than the words coming out of their mouths. Body language is its own patois, so if there's some hair-twirling or close-talking going on, don't doubt the signal: Your magnetic powers have drawn them in again. Pay more attention to the people coming toward you than the ones who may be pulling away. This cosmic coupling could draw a BFF, "mom-approved" soulmate, or even an investor for one of your big ideas.

On Sunday, your team spirit fires up again when the sun blazes into Aries and your collaboration zone for a month. Get the band back together — or hold auditions if it's time for an upgrade. Geek is chic until April 20, so use the web to spread your message and start a buzz for your big ideas. Learning a new app or software program could bring a salary bump.

You start the week on an IDGAF tear, and really, Cancer, it's great that you're letting it all hang out. But with the sun burning it up in your outspoken ninth house until the weekend, your words WILL pack a punch. Temper those truth bombs with some tact. If you must call people out (and sometimes, you really must), do so with compassion, so that they have a chance to redeem themselves, too. Avoid such talks on Monday, though, when cosmic couple Mars and Venus lock into a tangled angle. It will be hard to distinguish and innocent mistake from a capital offense that day and you're bound to blow things out of proportion.

On Wednesday, however, you'll be legit lucky in love! Bountiful Jupiter and seductive Pluto team up in your partnership houses, blessing you with charm and magnetism. You'll have the gift of gab on hump day, so flirt with wild abandon. Sparks could fly with a cutie from a different culture or someone who lives in another city. Schedule any pitches, proposals, and personal heart-to-hearts then, because you'll have them at hello. Coupled Crabs could plan an epic night — or even your next vacation — midweek. This will give your relationship a whole new life.

Spend Sunday updating your LinkedIn profile and dropping off those power pieces at the dry cleaner. The sun climbs to Aries and the top of your chart for a month, putting you in mover-and-shaker mode. Say goodbye to the couchsurfers, because career-obsessed Cancer is back at the wheel. Socialize strategically and get ready to ascend at least one rung up the ladder by April 20.

Is it true romance or just a passionate spring fling? With cosmic couple Mars and Venus in a lovers' quarrel this Monday, it's going to be hard to tell. Pace yourself, Leo, because feelings will run from icy to scorching. It's nature's cruelest joke: Great chemistry in the sack is nowhere near the key ingredient for long-lasting love (though it usually makes for strong, beautiful babies). Yes, listen to your animal instincts, but don't let them have the deciding vote. Given the sun's position in your playing-for-keeps eighth house through Saturday, you want someone who will stick around now! In a relationship? Monitor your possessive streak. If someone's "ignoring" you, give them space. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and the texts come quicker...even if the wait is a nail-biter for you.

Distracting yourself with work will be a profitable strategy. On Wednesday, bountiful Jupiter and strategic Pluto collaborate in your financial houses and could legit make it rain. Be a savvy risk taker at work or with clients. Your instincts will help you radar in on opportunity if you slow down and look around. Carpe diem if you have a chance to bend the bosses' ears or pitch an idea you just KNOW could be epic. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Life lightens up on Sunday, when the sun blazes into Aries and your worldly, adventurous ninth house for a month. A change of scenery would do you good! Scour for Coachella tickets or get on FaceTime with your friend who moved to Austin, or Asheville...or Australia, even. Plans for you to visit could quickly unfold. Just go!

Grab your life vest! The emotion ocean is a little choppy as the week opens up. On Monday, cosmic lovebirds Mars and Venus lock horns and make you sensitive to every slight. Are you taking things a little too personally? It's likely — but that doesn't invalidate your feelings. Call a summit with the most supportive members of your gang. Their comforting company will help you regain confidence and even some clarity about how to diplomatically address the situation. We advise waiting until inner calm is restored later this week (along with your ability to listen to the other person's perspective) to stick an oar in those waters.

Get ready for your close-up this Wednesday! Dazzling Jupiter in Virgo syncs up with alchemical Pluto in your fifth house of fame, glamour and romance. Their combined powers make you utterly magnetic. Since Jupiter is retrograde, this may be the moment where one of your long-held dreams comes to fruition or gets a second chance at success. Don't be shy about putting yourself out there. A well-timed brag could launch you to celebrity status. A bold move could send you into the arms of love.

Complicated situations will become black or white on Sunday, when the sun beams into Aries and your all-or-nothing eighth house for a month. Can't get a straight answer out of certain people? Raise the stakes — with yourself more than anyone — because if they're not in, you're outta there. These solar flares are crazy seductive, though. People will have a hard time saying no to you between now and April. That being said, be careful what you wish (or ask) for!

Bullshit artists, begone! This week, you won't be wowed by an expensive watch or a dazzling Powerpoint. It's empirical data, verified statistics, and legit numbers that will win. Don't be afraid to ask questions if something seems off. And keep asking until you've got it all boiled down to the basics. A complicated explanation is likely a cover up, especially on Monday: Either someone's trying to pull the merino wool over your eyes or they don't actually understand what they're talking about. Simplicity is generally a sign of truth and mastery. Hold yourself up to the same standard. If you're selling something you don't really understand — a plan, an idea, a dream — zip it and go do your research. Wait until you have rock-solid evidence and compelling data before you broach the topic again.

On Wednesday, however, it's emotional intelligence that wins. A heartwarming connection of intimate Pluto and bold Jupiter allows you to "go there" with people, sharing secrets and getting an earful from them. Hold this in strict confidence! Being entrusted with this info is an honor and your ability to keep quiet will win you major loyalty points. A helpful woman could step forward, taking you under her wing. Avail yourself as the helpful go-getter and you'll get your ballet flat in the door.

Relationships heat up on Sunday, when the sun swoops into Aries and your seventh house of partnerships for a month. Pair up for pleasure, business, or a creative collab, following the rule of opposites attract. Between now and April 20, it's a complementary force not a clone who will be your perfect match.

Damn, Scorpio! Back at it again with the white-hot moves. Your allure is fierce this week as the sun blazes through your fifth house of fame, passion, and romance. Forget about hiding out behind the scenes. Strategically plant yourself in the public eye — which might mean it's time for a photo shoot with a pro snapper or that Instagram savant on your friend list. Cupid is in your corner, too, with the exception of Monday, when Mars and Venus lock horns. Watch that stubborn streak of yours. By refusing to budge on an important matter, you could alienate someone you adore. On the flip side, don't be too quick to bend past a certain point. You might have to stand your ground in the face of a charismatic, but kind of bossy-bratty, person.

Wednesday's planets appoint you "crew glue," so pop on the entertainment director's hat and gather the troops. With magnetic Pluto, your ruling planet, auspiciously aligned to lucky Jupiter, you could attract some amazing people into your orbit. If you're ready to expand your social horizons, this rare planetary pairing can help you radar in on the very people you need to know. Break the ice now, even if you don't become overnight besties. Jupiter and Pluto will form this trine (120-degree angle) again on June 26, then not again until 2024 — good reason to carpe diem and say hello if someone catches your attention.

Spring training kicks into gear on Sunday, so grab your refillable water bottle and and slip on the yoga pants. The sun blazes a trail through Aries, heating up your healthy living zone until April 20. Work will get busy, too, making those stress-burning workouts all the more important. With warrior Aries ruling this part of your chart, you might weave a fighting sport, like MMA or boxing, into your weekly routines.

Adoration or aggravation? There's a thin line between love and hate this Monday, as cosmic lovebirds Mars and Venus openly clash. Under these moody skies, you're likely to take things personally that really aren't meant to offend. Before you fire off a snappy retort or dissolve into tears, take a time out — this is not worth ruining a relationship or friendship over! Swaddle yourself in support from your compassionate-yet-proactive friends, the ones who will let you vent, but will also steer you towards solutions. You may also need to put up a firmer boundary with your mom, sister, or a female friend this week. Although you want to be supportive, speak up if any frantic (or downright needy) texts are disrupting your daily flow. This would be the moment to gently say, "Get a therapist!"

Besides, you don't need anything disrupting your work this week. On Wednesday, your ruling planet, Jupiter, gets a major boost from powerhouse Pluto, paving the way for professional ascension. But you've gotta stay in beast mode, Sag, focusing on that grand goal and fearlessly pushing your way to the end zone. Make sure you're targeting the right people with your efforts. Strategically swerve around the middlemen and go straight to the top.

On Sunday, you'll switch it up from #siesta to #fiesta. After a monthlong nesting cycle, the sun breaks into Aries and your fifth house of fame, glamour, and romance. Life is a celebration between now and April 20, and thou giveth fever! Try to be a healthy hedonist, though, indulging responsibly and saving your final rose for people who treat you like gold.

Head or heart? On Monday, cosmic co-pilots Mars and Venus get into a lovers' spat, making it hard to figure out your stance. You want to be logical and rational — but not if that means sweeping your true feelings under the rug. Sitting back and letting people take advantage of your kindness is not the way to go. But before you dive into a dialogue, drum up some constructive solutions. We teach people how to treat us, Capricorn, and with your rep as the zodiac's protective provider, people tend to lean on you more than they should. It's your job to let them know when they've crossed a boundary (yes, some people really are THAT clueless). Since this is best done diplomatically, you might even wait until say, Thursday, before you have a heart-to-heart. In the meanwhile, get clear on how you want things to go down from here forward.

Wednesday could be one of your luckiest days of 2016! Powerful Pluto in Capricorn and your house of personal passion gets a huge good luck infusion from fortune-bringer Jupiter. This is the day to promote your latest and greatest projects or to toot your own horn. And we're not talking humble brags, here. Do let the world know how much you're capable of. Helpful people will pop up to assist with your ascent; some even from other zip codes or country codes. Cast a wide net; you could be traveling to a new corner of the Earth before March is through.

Domestic matters heat up on Sunday when the sun hunkers down in Aries and your home and family zone until April 20. Alas, all will not be quiet on the Capricorn homefront. The sound of power drills (renovation time!) or even family feuds could get louder. Make your living space work for you, Cap, even if that means moving. Your home should be your sanctuary.

What do you consider valuable, Aquarius? You've got some sorting to do this week. From people to possessions, the cosmic directive is to downsize, valuing quality over quantity. As someone who is easily excited by the latest and greatest thing, this can be a challenge. But consider this: By spreading yourself so thin, the relationships and activities you really DO care about get shuffled to the back burner. If nothing else, rejig your priority list. See what happens if "new and interesting" takes second place to "tried and true." Bowing out of a group activity may be necessary, especially if you're not 100% vibing with the people OR the associated costs are getting too expensive.

Tune in to unspoken clues midweek. Esoteric Pluto and bountiful Jupiter send you on a treasure hunt. You won't find the bounty in the obvious places though so you may have to do some digging. Research moneymaking opportunities, even job openings at your current place of employment. These riches may be of the relationship variety. Go deeper in your conversations with people and you could strike romantic gold.

On Sunday, join the army of Amys — Schumer and Poehler, that is. Your comedic chops sharpen as the sun sails through Aries for a month and blesses you with the gift of gab. Lightening the vibes with humor has always been a smart strategy for your sign, as long as you don't throw anyone under the bus. Your social life gets a reboot, too, but keep rolling with the quality over quantity M.O. When you flutter out of the cocoon, look for your 2016 festival buddies and running mates for your most important projects.

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