Minimal clothing and jewelry look chic and sophisticated, but the thought of a home makeunder probably sends a little shiver down your spine. You likely picture a colorless, lifeless, barely furnished space not unlike your first college dorm room…or your last Tinder regret’s place.
Well, snap out of it!
Minimizing your stuff is a chance to make room for more important things in your life, like the people and activities you love — even if one of those activities is decorating. What will you do with less stuff and more life? Well, we have a few ideas…
You’ll spend less times on chores.
Having less stuff means having less stuff to clean, repair, lose, find, and make you question why you have so much crap. Do you know how much soul searching, problem solving, world changing, or Netflix binging you could do with that time?! The mind boggles.
You’ll save more money.
Sure, investing in quality dishes, bedding, or what have you probably comes with up-front costs. However, you won’t continue to add mix-and-match separates to your cabinets as you might when you have housewares you don't love. So all your hard-earned cash can go to a better place, like a savings account, charity, or less-sad salad place for weekday lunches.
You’ll feel more relaxed.
It doesn’t take a psychology degree to see that clutter has detrimental effects on your emotions and productivity. Life is stressful enough. You don’t need to add to the mix a million mismatched towels, hand-me-down dishes, and clothes you haven’t worn in years. Listen to Elsa and let it go.
You’ll feel more like a grown-up — in the best way.
Sometimes adulthood gets a bad rap. Yes, you have to work for a living, pay bills, and all that. But you also get to make your own rules. With the basics taken care of, you can turn your home into your happy place, whatever that means to you.
You’ll live to appreciate, instead of accumulate.
Pretty deep, huh? Tell all your friends when they ask how you make everything look so easy.
Now who’s ready for some spring cleaning? Put down the trashbags for a second and enter now to win $2,000 in high-quality home essentials from Snowe.
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