Perhaps one of the better you- have -to-see-this pieces of celebrity fashion news today, in a stroke of genius, someone gathered a bunch of photos of Rihanna drinking wine on the street, and we can't stop laughing. Rihanna, how Real Housewives of you. Specifically, how Real Housewife of New York Ramona Singer of you.
Now, we know Rihanna is the captain of #TeamIDGAF (and Team Dental Health, actually), but how empty is her Gucci bag of fucks that she is literally going to dinner and leaving with the glass, repeatedly? And furthermore, who knew she was such a wine connoisseur? (And a thief!) We have to know: Is that Ramona Pinot Grigio in there? Or is it chardonnay? Maybe she doesn't like either and is a full-on Lambrusco gal. Though there are some red-wine cameos in the images below, too.
Whatever the hell is going on, though, we're into it. And just like her, moving forward, we'll be matching our wine to our looks, like you'll see in slideshow ahead. One thing's for sure, though, Rihanna could take a few pages out of Singer's book, and start carrying her own glassware in her purse. (Just don't throw them at your friends, please, Rihanna.)
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