News flash: I'm really lazy. Even though I love makeup, when I'm pressed for time in the morning (which, let's be real, is every morning), I like to cut corners wherever I can. Mix that with the summer heat, and it means I've been nixing foundation, concealer, even eyeshadow, in favor of lighter and faster alternatives. What are these miracle products, you ask? Primers.
I know what you're thinking: Aren't primers supposed to go under makeup? I thought so, too — until I realized that primers meant to illuminate, blur, and color-correct can be worn alone, with great results. Sure, they don't give the same kind of coverage that you get from foundation or concealer, but on days when your skin isn't in dire need of complexion-perfecting, they're easy, fuss-free options to give your skin a breathable boost.
In an attempt to help you catch a few extra ZZZs (and wear less makeup in the summer heat), I've rounded up my favorite primers that replace most makeup. Check 'em out in the slides ahead.
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